An Update from Vicar Becker
An Update from Vicar Becker
My wife Tammy and I make a habit of setting aside time at the beginning of each year to reflect, to plan, and to set goals for the new year in various areas of our lives. As we look back at the year 2024, we are profoundly grateful to the members of Immanuel for their support and encouragement as I began the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program. The financial investment that the church is making to form and train me as a pastor is both humbling and inspiring. Thank you!
The first course in my SMP studies was an Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions. My professor, Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb, possesses encyclopedic knowledge of the Confessions and of the Reformation, making the course both challenging and interesting. I spent a week last September in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Concordia Theological Seminary learning under Dr. Schurb and also getting to know the other men in my SMP cohort. Pastor Grayson and Tammy traveled with me, and it was a great experience to be on the campus with the full-time seminary students and to hear from some of the other professors and to worship together in chapel each day.
Presently, I am almost to the midpoint of my second course: Pastoral and Missional Theology in Luke and Acts. Aside from the biblical texts, we are using the two-volume Concordia Commentary on Luke by Dr. Arthur Just, Jr. The readings are challenging, and the learning is deep. Several of the assignments for this course require me to practice writing sermons, devotions, or short meditations. Perhaps these first efforts will make it into print or into the pulpit someday!
In addition to my SMP studies, my work in 2025 as a vicar will include continuing to assist Pastor Grayson with worship services, preaching, visiting members in times of need, contacting visitors to our worship services, shut-in visits, creating content for the website and the Temple Telegram Pastor’s Corner, teaching confirmation, and continuing to organize Theology on Tap for men, among other duties as assigned by Pastor Grayson. While I cannot yet keep regular office hours at the church, I can always be reached by phone or by email, and I encourage you to contact me.
Vicar Darrell Becker
The first course in my SMP studies was an Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions. My professor, Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb, possesses encyclopedic knowledge of the Confessions and of the Reformation, making the course both challenging and interesting. I spent a week last September in Fort Wayne, Indiana at Concordia Theological Seminary learning under Dr. Schurb and also getting to know the other men in my SMP cohort. Pastor Grayson and Tammy traveled with me, and it was a great experience to be on the campus with the full-time seminary students and to hear from some of the other professors and to worship together in chapel each day.
Presently, I am almost to the midpoint of my second course: Pastoral and Missional Theology in Luke and Acts. Aside from the biblical texts, we are using the two-volume Concordia Commentary on Luke by Dr. Arthur Just, Jr. The readings are challenging, and the learning is deep. Several of the assignments for this course require me to practice writing sermons, devotions, or short meditations. Perhaps these first efforts will make it into print or into the pulpit someday!
In addition to my SMP studies, my work in 2025 as a vicar will include continuing to assist Pastor Grayson with worship services, preaching, visiting members in times of need, contacting visitors to our worship services, shut-in visits, creating content for the website and the Temple Telegram Pastor’s Corner, teaching confirmation, and continuing to organize Theology on Tap for men, among other duties as assigned by Pastor Grayson. While I cannot yet keep regular office hours at the church, I can always be reached by phone or by email, and I encourage you to contact me.
Vicar Darrell Becker
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